Rainbow Chaser

~ Rainbow Chaser ~

I am a Rainbow Chaser...

Come join me for some fun;

You needn't bring a net to catch them

Or a hunter's gun.

For rainbows are not hard to catch...

I'll help you find the way;

They're next to love and happiness

In a land quite far away.

Some stop chasing rainbows,

For they think they aren't real;

But they aren't something you can touch...

They're something you must feel.

For Rainbows are a special thing...

They're shared by one and all,

For only when we fail to chase them,

Do we truly fall.

Come be a Rainbow Chaser...

Come join the young and bold,

For Rainbows are the only way

To get the pots of gold.

~ Author Unknown ~

Through the dark days
Keep a rainbow
In your heart.

We each have a choice...
We can stay under a cloud,
Or get busy and find a rainbow.

We must each paint
Our rainbow from the
Colors we've been given.

We must always
Remember to take
Our rainbows with us.

~ Joan Walsh Anglund ~

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