~Permanence Is Temporary~
Permanence is temporary, nothing stays the same;
there are no guarantees in life... you've got to play the game.
Think about the things you have; don't dwell on what is lost;
experience is what you've gained, no matter what the cost.
Things often seem to go awry... it's known as Murphy's Law,
and we don't always know why or what's the reason for. |
Just when things seem to be going fine,
there's a fly in the ointment and cork in the wine.
Nothing lasts forever... you wouldn't want it to,
but when there is an ending, you want it planned by you!
Change can make you feel alone, lonely and confused;
it leaves you feeling insecure with a sense of being used.
Change makes you feel uncomfortable...
you're taken by surprise;
you're lost and feeling vulnerable, but you must realize
that change is part of growing, part of living... it's God's plan.
Accept the things you cannot change,
and change the things you can. |
~ Victoria Crosby ~ Copyright 1994 All rights reserved. |
www.victoriacrosby.com |
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